Algorithms with purpose
Algorithms with purpose
Many years ago started researching (most of the time reading articles about the internet and the new social media networks) how worldwide web technologies impact our lives.
My posts by date:
- The new MATRIX, 2008
- (Whether you know it or not, you are in the matrix. But not the one with Keanu Reeves, but the one on social media. Where all your online comments, videos and discussions with acquaintances feed a giant network of voluminous information and advertising revenue. The engine of social media is the collective intelligence of the Internet population.);
- WEB 2, 2008
- "Funny" video showing the addiction;
- About The Facebook, 2010
- My thoughts trying to describe the good side of the media and showing the Facebook Privacy History Infographic;
- Facebook social experiments, 2010
- "just another opportunity, but not a panacea for the purposes of promoting a brand, company or business."
- For the Internet and the intelligence, 2011
- "The Internet unites us is a superbrain that carries the baggage of both our wisdom and our endless stupidity. It is up to us how we use it."
Yesterday, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger were down for more than 6 hours (nearly six hours).
I skipped that "world problem" mainly by reading and watching my feed on Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok.
The bad thing was that I used Facebook Messenger for chatting with my acquaintances.
Here I fix the communication gap with the Viber app, which every one of them also is using.
Today, I was watching the hearing of Frances Haugen about "how the social network harms young people".
After more than 13 years of thinking, reading, educating myself about the digital technologies that are supposed to help our beings I am not sure that this particular "development" of the algorithms - based mainly on more profits is a light into the dark tunnel where we are now.
What should be done in the future? I am not sure...
But I know that social media networks impact in a bad way children and youth!
They do not have fundamental knowledge about how the usage of the apps can harm them for their whole life.