Networking and the atoms ⚛️
Today I removed a friend, a person on Facebook.
Two weeks ago I received a friend request from a man on Facebook.
I saw that we have common friends.
I accepted the friend request and write a message to the new friend, a standard welcome message: "Welcome to my network, how I can help you?"
Three days in a row without an answer-back. The man was active and was posting all the days.
The "new friend" looks safe and eco-friendly person.
He is an eco-activist for more than 20 years.
I asked two of our common friends about him. They returned good feedback.
We stayed connected for about 3 weeks. No message.
I was curious why this guy wants to be my friend?
I do like the ideas he posted on Facebook.
The reason for removing him as a friend was a recent comment about the nuclear energy posted from him:
These incidents must be remembered every year so that they are not forgotten. In order not to look out of time, the next time we are frivolously thrown the idea - "to break the atom" :)
My opinions differentiate in that way:
Now I can express my muses of Qs:
- Are the eco-activists realists?
- Can we trust their expertise?
- Do they really want a better future for humanity?
- Are they do real volunteering or just trying to get remuneration from project grants and lobbyists?