When you try to follow what all do
When you try to follow what all do
Dear marketers and digital gurus I receive every time, almost every day, a LinkedIn notification about your newly created newsletter.
In the beginning it was fun, new and cool, but when everyone is doing these "newsletters" it is obviously becoming an... please, say it with your own words...
That bothers me and shows me that you are conformists in the marketing ideas, I mean following what technologies are suggesting you do and you just follow it...
Please try new approaches, new ideas, not what all companies and marketers are doing.
Example of one of the recent automations, when you follow brand on LinkedIn it suggests you to subscribe to their newsletter.
I accept almost all those requests to read these newsletters, but never read them.
I stopped notifications for the time when you publish your next one newsletter because it will be a huge distraction to see EVERYONE, EVERY WEEK or so, doing this same thing.
Try to engage in a real, meaningful way, not the one that is "paved" by the tool...
Of course, that is only if you want authenticity, uniqueness, and authority.