AI - Artificial (programmed) intelligence

 Artificial (programmed) intelligence

Nowadays nobody can get out from the AI (artificial intelligence or programmed intelligence).

Basically, it is everywhere around us and helps, navigate and monitor our everyday life.

The AI is programmed by software engineers with the help of programming languages.

That is in theory. In practice look at the Google projects for AI.

How we can trust all the "models" of that programmed intelligence?

The world is starting to create ethical standards that aim to give more morale to that algorithms.

Who tells what to learn AI and what is its purpose? 

The answer to that question is divided by many ways and depends on the perspective of the creators. A page from Microsoft about Machine Learning and AI.

My concern about AI is that in the future when it becomes so widespread and powerful and starts replacing people's minds and decisions about important life essential things as: 
  • who does be hired?
  • who is eligible to get bank credit?
  • who is performing better at work?
  • what is the price for that product/service?
  • which is the "best" route to that place?
  • when to go on holiday?
  • what medicines to get for health problems?

Maybe some of them are already in the real world and are happening to us?

I am sure that engineers working on making the digital world with AI are mindful and caring.

One thought I share on my LinkedIn about some particular cases from the practice today:

How tech can harm? Check that story related to the "ethical approach to AI deployment"


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