Elections 2021 Part 3 - The Parliament ERROR

This year is an amazing story, related to the elections that were held and will be held by the end of the year.

The vote πŸ—³  #3 (type 2 in 1) is announced on 14 November. The nation will vote for a new Parliamentary and Presidency.

The previous one did not create a nothnig good - only chaos and separation of the society and administration.

What were the hopes at that time, read here(Elections #2 July 2021): https://10leva.blogspot.com/2021/07/elections-2021-part-2-parliament.html.

How everything begins, look here (Elections #1 April 2021): https://10leva.blogspot.com/2021/04/elections-2021-part-1-parliament.html

The game is the same; 5 to 8 main parties, 4 to 6 with a chance of win parliament seats (240). 

A stable coalition with a clear purpose and goals is needed to rule the country.

But no one of the parties wants that coalition (reason for the third in a row election this year).

Ego-maniac ideological political leaders guide their tribes in a infinete, permanent crisis.

The Presidency and the proposed caretaker governments are in power between times without regular government and Parliament.

The presidential elections will be a cornerstone because will show what the sovereign (people) wants as their leader. 
